Safety Training Videos

Must watch videos for increasing propane knowledge

Propane Safety: Getting Your System Inspected

Propane Safety: If You Suspect a Gas Leak

Propane Safety: Handling & Transporting Small Cylinders

Propane Container Valves

Industry Links

Helping people before, during and after disasters.

Designed to Educate and Empower the American People to prepare for, respond and mitigate emergencies.

The WPGA represents propane marketers throughout California. The organization holds high standards of practice within the industry, as it enables its members to compete in the marketplace.

Propane Laws and Incentives in California. 

Mission - To advance safety and to increase the use of propane through sound public policy.

 Safety training resources, forklift regulation, WPGA training resources.The association’s primary purpose is to maintain high standards of practice within the industry, and in so doing, protect and expand the ability of its members to compete in the marketplace.

The propane industry believes that good safety habits should be adopted at a young age, and that the more children and teens know about propane, the fewer preventable accidents will occur.

Safety Resources, for businesses or residential best safety practices. Videos and online documents.

This guide will help you to better prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters that face Los Angeles County. Our goal is to provide tips that assist you to be self-sufficient after a disaster.

The Unified Program protects Californians from hazardous waste and hazardous materials by ensuring consistency throughout the state in regard to administrative requirements, permits, inspections, and enforcement. 

Propane 101 is designed with one simple educate consumers about propane, sometimes referred to as LPG or LP Gas, so that they may better understand this valuable and efficient fuel as well as promote a more effective relationship between gas customers and their suppliers.